The EnergyPrice Unifyer

One interface for all energy prices

Our mission

Flexible tariffs to optimise energy consumption

tounify collects flexible procurement and feed-in tariffs from European energy suppliers as well as grid tariffs from grid operators using a variety of methods and makes them available in a standardised manner via an API.

Your benefits

one interface

for all flexible tariffs in Europe

support your clients

for easily setting the correct tariff

intuitive API

easy implementation with only a few lines of code


your clients have the correct setup

We are proud partners of

Static, dynamic, synthetic

tounify offers all flexible tariff models

We include all types of tariffs across Europe, which change at least once a day.

Taxes & duties will soon also be included in order to receive all cost components via an API.

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are currently in our database (energy, feed-in and grid) – more are added every week



with more than 377 million inhabitants are covered

static tariffs

With this model, electricity prices change at certain, predefined times. These are usually classic day/night or high/low tariff models.

dynamic tariffs

The price is directly linked to one of Europe’s electricity exchanges. The prices are known one day in advance and usually fluctuate hourly. The difference in the tariffs lies in the surcharges and fees of the energy suppliers.

synthetic tariffs

The price is calculated based on dynamic components according to certain rules set by the respective energy supplier or the regulatory authority of the respective country.

static tariffs

With this model, electricity prices change at certain, predefined times. These are usually classic day/night or high/low tariff models.

dynamic tariffs

The price is directly linked to one of Europe’s electricity exchanges. The prices are known one day in advance and usually fluctuate hourly. The difference in the tariffs lies in the surcharges and fees of the energy suppliers.

synthetic tariffs

The price is calculated based on dynamic components according to certain rules set by the respective energy supplier or the regulatory authority of the respective country.

Where do we get the data from?

In order to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information possible, tounify uses several ways to obtain the data

  • Our specially developed crawler which regularly searches the trained websites of energy suppliers for price changes
  • Connection of APIs
  • Programmatic replication of synthetic tariffs
  • Regulatory public documents
  • Open data for additional information
  • Manual update using our specially developed tool

1. Connect API

We create a token for full access to the API. They build a screen into their application on which the customer can select the energy supplier and tariff and, if necessary, network operator and tariff.

2. Customer selects tariff(s)

Your customer now chooses their own tariff or tariffs. Selecting an energy tariff is necessary; the network tariff can optionally also be selected. Alternatively, the customer’s postcode can also be used to include a standard network tariff in the day-ahead price query.

3. Check current prices every day

With the selected tariffs, the price for the next day can be queried daily.

How do I use the API?

charged progressively

Usage based

Accesses are billed progressively based on recorded usage.

All access by end devices is cumulated per country and the countries are sorted in descending order on a daily basis.

Billing is done for each country; if you have multiple countries, you benefit from scaled discounts.

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flexible, project-related pricing

Flat Fee

You would like to bundle access from your end devices and only carry out a general query of various tariffs.

Together we create an estimate and forecast of the development of the number of end devices.

The flat fee includes an unlimited number of accesses as well as the daily fixed fee.

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